With over twenty five years experience in bespoke homes, Clever Home Designs will meet and exceed your expectations.
With over twenty five years experience in bespoke homes, Clever Home Designs will meet and exceed your expectations.
This timeline is indicative of our standard process of building a house. This can vary greatly depending on the individual client’s projects. Regularly clients approach us at different stages of the process. Having flexibility in our process enables you to engage us at any point in this process and assist a client in achieving the best possible outcome
1. Can we help
An informal meeting to ascertain as to whether we can meet your expectations which include design, specification, budget and time frames.
4. Budget & finance
Checking that items including the finishing items, holding cost, financing the project, will work for your individual circumstances.
7. Check design & budget
Once you’re comfortable with the design and specification along with considering the additional items, how this meets the budget expectation.
10. Amend the design
Make any final amendments to the plans that may take into account the council meeting, budget expectations and personal preferences.
13. Meet the builder
We have concepts, specification, inclusions and exclusions and a price, this part of the process is about making sure you feel comfortable with the builder, their values and what they bring to the table, the total process is about getting the best possible outcomes for everybody.
17. Liaising
In the event that an issue arises on site, this step, if required is about sorting out how to resolve the issue to achieve an acceptable outcome to both parties and to make suggestions that may be of value.
2. Site assessment
An assessment of your block to see if what you have in mind will work and how to maximise the land and assess the limitations.
5. Design brief
Briefing the designer as to your expectations, including placements and sizes of rooms, individual needs, orientation and site, lifestyle, finishes, quality and budgets.
8. Shire check
Checking with the town or city as to how it matches their town planning scheme and the residential design codes and what items will require justification.
11. The right builder for you
Perth has several different builders working in various parts of the market, one builder doesn’t fit all, the allocation of the right builder will be driven by what is important to you along with our experience.
14. Contracts signed
Checking through the contract to make sure everything is covered ensuring the process into construction goes smoothly.
17. Pre-hand over meeting
Generally, the builder will call for a pre hand over and go through the outstanding items in a list form, at this meeting we can work out what is important, acceptable and what’s not acceptable along with any outstanding items.
3. Ball park estimate
Given a rough outline of what you are looking to achieve including size, complexity, specification and site associated costs, how dose the budget and expectation a line?
6. Concept sketch completed
Once the design is completed, we will walk you through the home explaining how the home meets the design brief and refine your ideas.
9. Specification and documentation
Write up a specification that will meets your expectation including level of finishes, inclusions and budget in a format that can be presented to the builder for a formal quote.
12. Compare quotes
Comparing apples with apples is difficult, at this stage we have a set of concept sketches, a detailed specification and a list of inclusions and exclusions, this step is about comparing and weighing the various builders.
15. Site visits
Generally I like to visit the sites whilst under construction, this is to pre-empt any issues that arise on site and resolve any issues before they become a problem.