Current cost’s of new houses Perth 2021


The price of building in Perth currently has increased in the last 6 months (to March 2021) by over 15% and more in some cases.

This is not because the greedy builder is trying to make more money, a lot of the time the builder is playing catch up trying to capture the increase in costs of manufacturing,  and materials and balancing up the increased time frames, all of which is driven by demand.

In a market where prices go up over 2% in real terms a month and because of the long lead period and delivery time associated with your new home it really is a nightmare for the builders to manage.   

To give you an idea, if the builder worked out the price for your new home and factored in the labour cost of bricklayers at say $1.20 per brick and you sign up, pre start, shire approve and get to site, by now that same brick is $2.00 to lay but the builder has a fixed price contract with you? who pays? The builder of course and that’s if he can find the bricklayer. 

In the current market you make be struggling to work out what is the best deal out in the market and how is the best way to access it, to answer this question we need to quantify “ what is the best deal” as it will be different for each client.

This could be broken down into a number of heading including Price ( per m2) specification, quality, service, design, reputation, time frames, and the stability of the company and its financial capacity to complete your home.

In the instance that it’s a dollar per m2 that is driving the decision, you need to be comparing the other builders of the same quality, reputation, financial capacity, and size.

House Prices in Perth

The price of your home whilst can be roughly calculated by the square meter rate will be determined by perimeter wall, size of the home, amount of wet areas and kitchens, specification, site conditions, amount of suspended slabs, inclusions and how well it’s been designed.   

Quality of houses in Perth

Quality comes down to the trades, supervision, documentation, and organisation of the project and is based on our experience and a passion to get the best possible result not just a result.


Specification of homes in Perth

Specification is the proposed nominated finishes included in the quoted figure, this should reflect where you’re building, your individual taste and your budget, specification is relatively easy to quantify but should not be confused with quality.


Service is about administering your home in a professional and timely manner, which includes systems and procedures to keep you informed and to document the total project in a fair and authentic manner.

House Designs Perth

The design of your home is one of the most important factors to get right in the first instance, in addressing the design, we take into account the shire requirements, your written brief, and your site.

A home can be designed in a way where it may look like its great value based on the dollars per m2, but may not be the best design base on your brief, the site and your expectation and in some instances putting the wrong home on the site may devalue the total project.

Builder Reputation

The reputation of the builder should be as important to you as it is to your builder, the reputation comes from years of doing the right thing, having the right people and having the right processes, having the right systems in place and having the right products in order to get you the best end result.

The reputation of us as a builder will also be reflected in your resale value in the event that you wish to sell.

How long does it take to build a house in Perth?

To build the home correctly takes time, but the time frames should be disclosed upfront and be realistic for the type and scale of the project, it should not be open-ended or full of excuses or delays.

Unnecessary delays

Unnecessary delays in the construction stage end up being a real cost to you in the form of holding costs and funding.

In selecting a builder to help with your new home, you can compare similar builders servicing the same part of the market, but at some stage you will need to trust someone to achieve your goals.

Perth’s current market position

 Today’s market conditions dictate that most builders need to still need to completive to stay in business, but this should not be the cost of quality, or include short cuts or miss information, a lot of the time it’s what not is being disclosed which ends up being problematic, it’s easy to make something cheaper but the builder’s emphasis should be on making the home better and value-adding to the total process with professionals to help with the design, interior design, cabinet layout, electrical, landscaping documentation and application to get you the best possible result.

Choosing the right Perth builder for you

Generally, you should try to ascertain which builder is the right fit for you prior to engaging the builder to start any design work for you, in doing so you will get the best end result as that builder will put in a lot more effort if he is of the understanding he is not competing with a number of other builders and will be a lot more authentic in their dealings with you, at the end of the day to get the best possible result its is a team effort and creating a good working relationship will get you the best outcome.     

The total process should be about working together to get the best possible result including value, design, resale, process and transparency, and whilst there will be issues during construction, it is more about how the issues are addressed in a collaborative approach.

We are currently in a building bubble and as we all know they burst, the smart builders will still have a business and reputation when this happens but for you, as the client, it is paramount to ensure that your selected builder is still around to complete your home and has the financial capacity to finish the home.

Contact us today for free help on your next home.


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