Choose the right elevation for your custom home in Perth


Getting the "right" look from your custom new home is paramount to retaining the home's value.

We have all seen it over the years, trends that come and go, things that we thought at the time were cutting edge and would never date.

New home trends Perth

What generally happens with the style of homes is, a small architectural firm in, say, West  Leederville, will come up with something they have seen overseas, a style or trend that has a particular theme, they then build that style of home.

 They have got the recipe right, and it looks good, and pretty soon, other architects and designers are using the same recipe with good results.

Then comes the boutique builder, and he sees that this new idea has some merit and incorporates the recipe into his latest project, again getting a good result.

The upmarket builders are soon using the recipe in their new display homes, and the home-buying public is impressed but can't afford it. 

The project builder jumps onto this, and soon that beautiful Hamptons home with the slate roof, sash timer frames, external planking, barges, exposed rafters, dry stonework, bleached decking, dado boards is transformed into a project builders box with a gable, painted soft grey and called "The Long Island.' 

After that, it's only a matter of time until the suburbs are awash with the new look, and it's not only going to date, meanwhile, the small architectural firm in West Leederville is designing the latest new home trend.

I remember growing up and seeing the “clinker bricks” with black rolled joints internally set into semi-elliptical arches with lime green tops and louver jarrah doos to the kitchen…yum.

It was the latest trend at the time, and it was never going to date, well, not until the paint dried, at least. The take out for me, at least, was the more “cutting edge” it seemed to be, the greater the ability to date.

Trends come and go, and as do styles. Up until recently, we have seen a resurgence in the “Hamptons styling

First impressions are what counts in real estate. Selecting your dream home’s facade will be one of the most critical decisions made during the home building journey.
— Cleve Riches

In saying this, the authentic, well-balanced homes, good level of detail are still going to stand the test of time. If you are going to have a themed home, do it right, get the right advice and level of detail.

The facade of your new home should be visually appealing as first impressions really count, and street appeal is paramount when selling your home.  

Choosing a facade allows you to define your home's appearance to the outside world.

We all have our own personal ideas on what is appealing, but the elevation is also going to be seen by everyone and needs to match your lifestyle.

The feel of the inside of the home should match the outside feel, and this allows the home to feel consistent and more significant and makes the home feel comfortable. 

This synergy in style should help guide you when choosing a facade, layout, interior colours, and fit-out.

Another factor to consider when selecting the right elevation for your new home is the environment or where the new home will be built.

 Drive down West Coast Drive, set up high overlooking down on the breaking surf, is a beautiful, considered Hamptons home with large balconies, timber frames, and clad in the look of weatherboard. You could see yourself sitting back on the balcony watching the world go by, but the reality of it is that it's a maintenance nightmare.     

You need to build to the environment and the neighborhood's feel; sometimes this is even dictated by the council; try building a two-story facade facing the street in established Subiaco.   

The facade is a  personal choice, sometimes driven by a sense of going back in time to a time that seemed simple and safe (mid-century homes) or had a feeling of holidays and lifestyle (Hamptons homes) or a sense of what you want to portray to the outside world like the sleek and sophisticated look of the cubist or brutalist architecture, but whatever you chose to do, do your research, put together your ideas and explore the options of how to get the best possible result for your new home.

If you need a hand with designing and building your next custom home contact us today for free help and advice or call us on 0417 916 064


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